I found that if I blow dry my hair with a large round brush (courtesy of my mother) I can get a neat style. I hate my hair being flat against my head but this creates volume and also tames the natural curls in my hair :)

There are lots of good you tube tutorials for this. Here is the look:

So I had ago at the Fringe plait, I've always struggled doing this, but actually sitting down with time on my hands I managed to get the hang of it!

Here's the results and this youtube video really explains it well


A while back I tried out glitter lips. It was quite simple and the results looked really good!

I took a very sticky lip gloss, I used bobby brown as they are particularly sticky, got some old glitter and dabbed it onto my lips with a lip brush until they were completely covered.

Now this look isn't one I have yet to wear out, but I think it is fantastic for fancy dress or photo shoots!

Heres what it looked like:

Be wary because if you were to wear this out, the glitter easily can come off and you may end up eating it!!

So I decided to give this hair style from 'This Mornings Summer styles' a go - the glamorous up do with incorporation of jewellery.

Since I have loads of jewellery around my room I don't use any more I though why not try to create a great new hair style with it!

For this style I used a blonde donut, hair grips, heat defence spray, hair brush for backcombing, hairspray, straighteners to create the front curls and an old pearl necklace I no longer use. I wore this during the day but as said on this morning, this style can be used night and day.

Here Leo Bancroft shows you how to do it:
